During a crazily busy week I managed to survive purely on mammoth amounts of cereal and toast, only to make up for it the following week by heading to Lidl to purchase my bodyweight in vegetables.
As for fears of exhausting my bank balance, I do my bit to budget. Take washing, for example. First comes waiting until the last possible moment. When I have exhausted the final dregs of my wardrobe (this is when leaving the house decently - ie not naked - would involve an imaginative outfit of bed spread, sock (singular) and running leggings (the only little worn item in my wardrobe)) I begrudgingly part with £2.20 and pack the washing machine full. However, I draw the line at paying another £1 for tumble drying. Therefore on washing days my room becomes filled with drying clothes. Bed sheets hang from curtains, t-shirts tuck under books and hang from my bookshelf and tights dangle from my bunting. I don't own any pegs so instead pin all of my underwear to my pinboard. My room is transformed into a weird modern art installation. I was always pants at art. (Sorry, I had to...)
All of these time / money saving techniques leave more for the important things.
(And by important things I mean clothes.)
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